Monday, July 22, 2013

But I Won’t Stop And Falter

Wassup peeps so I’m just doing my own scene this morning…typing random shit into matlab just learning how to do random things (sidenote: modulo is so friggin hard to figure out I went to the online documentation and all of their “example codes” are just failing left and right maybe I’m doing something wrong…whatever this is why I’m doing this now and not when something important is coming up), when my Dad pops in and loses his mind about how there was water on the floor.  Like idk maybe he’s just overstressing about things since my sister is a junior in HS and she’s kind of an idiot, but seriously it’s a damn drop of water on the floor just wipe that shit up…or lose control of your sanity whatevs it’s a comparable reaction.  So yeah that was odd.

Anyway, hey guys I’m sure you’ve been waiting for this…considering literally every other person on the planet has given their opinion (and you wiseasses can note Africa’s reaction is: WHAT THE FUCK EVER WE NEED FOOD AND WATER YOU ARROGANT TOOLS CHIRREN ARE DYING FROM DISEASES YOU CAN’T EVEN NAME LET ALONE HELP CURE AND FIGHT AND ZIMBABWE HAS LESS MONEY THAN ASHWIN…oh and Mandela is dying/getting better/going home today/staying in the hospital for another month/one,none,or some of the above) about the Zimmerman trial…surprisingly nothing that controversial to say…from the prosecution and defense hearings I gleamed that basically Zimmy was in a state of mind where he thought he was gonna die, so he was entitled to self-defense, and thus the not guilty of 2nd degree murder is all savvy.  And the prosecutor seriously fucked this case up, so not guilty on manslaughter is merely a product of the shitty way this case was handled so #gojusticesystem on that one.  But my only real problem is…he killed a dude.  Like, there needs to be SOME punishment…community service, volunteer work, SOMETHING.  Otherwise I’m just gonna pick a fight, let him/her/whatever get a few good blows in and then shoot them in “self-defense” since I can stand my ground (also didn’t Trayvon stand his ground? Or because he’s FUCKING DEAD we can’t be sure? Or because he’s dead clearly he didn’t stand his ground well enough?) so Florida you need to fix that.  And the one thing I agree with Al Sharpton (who’s a nutcase…seriously black people find someone better to lead your race...Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Or maybe actually listen to the man you all jizzed over once he was elected BARACK OBAMA?) is that if the roles were exactly flipped (Zimmerman black and Trayvon not black) homes would be in jail sucking dick right the fuck now.  This isn’t Zimmy’s fault though…but yeah.  That stand-your-ground law needs some work…because there was this black chick who was running away from her abusive husband, and she tried to stand her ground by shooting a warning shot with her gun, and she got 20 years.
Let’s say that again, all together: “Shot fired into a wall, no one died, TWENTY YEARS” versus “shot fired into a HEART, a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD BOY WITH NO DRUGS OR WEAPONS died, NO YEARS”…not saying Zimmy needs to be excommunicated, but let’s be a LITTLE consistent.
Also, chirren die in Chicago on like a daily basis in black-on-black violence…so let’s protest that.  Or we can act like monkeys (today, on was that racist...judges? #racist #notracist #notracist thank you fox news panel + juan williams) and just riot like we're Vancouver Canucks fans who just realized you need more than the Sedin Bros (the hit Swedish knockoff of the Mario Bros...just like the Swedish House Mafia is a knockoff of the Italia Mafia...Sweden, you're really obsessed with Italy good thing this is in Raleigh,NC so I can go talk to yall about this) to win a Cup

#toomuchseriousness #needmorehansendialogue

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