Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I gotta find a new hobby

Let's start out with some good and happy news.  So in the biggest club competition in the world, Arsenal is stuck in the "group of death" with literally the 3 best opponents they could have drawn, including the team that came 2nd in the whole shebang a year ago. shebang is apparently a recognized word.  I assume it came from "the whole shebang" this what English majors do? After they graduate they become NSA-esque spies for the OED and Merriam-Webster and go around listening in on people's conversations and if enough people use a word/phrasing they add it to the dictionary? WAIT SO DOES THIS MEAN TWERKING IS GONNA BECOME A THING? It isn't yet, thank god, but fuck if we keep saying that word, will the english grads start some sort of internal referendum to add it to the dictionary? Folks, this one of those situations we can only describe as a "NOT-GOOD" situation.  If there has ever been a "NOT-GOOD" in human history...this is it.  This is a defcon 0 "not-good" situation.  You may be saying right now "but DEFCON only goes from 1-5! and even then wouldn't defcon 5 be the worst?" Well you'd be getting some half-credit right now.  Defcon 5 is the least concern, and Defcon 1 is "oh shit niggas we bout to nuke EREBODY up in this piece". So yeah, adding 'twerking' to the dictionary is definitely far worse than a thermonuclear holocaust.

Ironically that's a transition into my need for a new I am terribly intrigued by genocide, and I love reading the histories (written by actual scholars, not some two-bit CNN reporter just hoping that introducing enough controversy and drama can get them a tv show or something...but at the same time, at least CNN is trying.  FOX and MSNBC, what do you people actually do, other than wonder why Muslims write about Jesus (holy sir derpington the third do you even know anything) and hire Al Sharpton (sorry thats the REVEREND alford sharpington the XIVth) to stir up the ol' racism pot some more) about what happened, how it happened, external peace efforts...its all super interesting, and incredibly depressing.  Like my-day-has-already-been-ruined depressing.  Even Arsenal winning today wouldn't offset how sad I feel.  Like today, (re)read about the Srebrenica OH SERIOUSLY BLOGSPOT SHEBANG IS A WORD BUT SREBRENICA OH WHOOPS DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT MATE THATS NOT A WORD well maybe this is why history is ignoring this particular genocide..."Srebrenica? that's not a word don't be silly" "tom, that's a place in Bosnia and Herzegovina-" "Bosnia? Herzegovina? you must be making this shit up! this isn't middle earth name some real places" oy vey.

So...where was I? Oh right so yeah I need to find a new hobby, something interesting to read.  Because this Hotel Rwanda bullshit is seriously killing me.  Wait I feel like I had something else I was also talking about...hmmm...OH RIGHT THAT VIDEO.  How badass is that shit? The word "classy" get used a LOT these days, but I'll be damned if what BVB produced isn't the epitome of...well, classy.  There really aren't synonyms for that, are there?  Well regardless, that video was unbelievable.  And how about that Serbian (Neven Subotic, for those of you curious) with the American accent? Didn't see that shit coming.  But reading wikipedia, we can see how this entire post is made up of completely unrelated YET COMPLETELY RELATED material: Subotic moved to the US (via Germany) from Bosnia...where he was escaping the war.  How's that for tying it all together?




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