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Dorm bedroom sleepover with Chang! |
Harry's a fucking retard |
hahahahahah #rockchalkpeehawk |
Oh god. Anyway so yeah. I'm definitely gonna need help remembering all of this:
"The One Where Nuclear Engineering is a viable energy source" - So Ashwin went down Clemson-way to visit his old buds Jake, Dianne and Tasha (and Jake is basically Ryan, fyi. An intelligent fratboy.), and got there around 10 or 11, at which point (after driving 6 hours) he downed about a dozen beers, and worked with Jake to start a bonfire. Unfortunately, there was not enough wood, so a few hundred pages of plasma physics notes went straight into the fire, where it burned with the strength of a thousand suns. And then I decided I wanted a tour of Clemson RIGHT FUCKING THEN, so I took a broom, lit it on fire, and used that as a torch for about halfanhour before Dianne noticed I was gone #thanksguys #worstwaytodiscovertheclemsongraveyard but it had a happy ending cuz we made pancakes until 6 in the morning #yummmmm Saturday sucked because Michigan State won, and naturally I found Spartans in fucking Mellow Mushroom in fucking South fucking Carolina those dirty cheaphitting bastards #nopenotbitteratall but that evening we went on a scary ass haunted forest thing which was scary as shit because we had to drive like 20 miles out of Clemson, which meant we were literally in the middle of nowhere. Now honestly I'm not actually scared of too many things, but I am jumpy and nervous as shit, so that sucked major ass. I got in trouble when I started yelling "WOAH NELLY YOU NEED TO BACK THE FUCK UP" every time I saw that chainsaw dude pop out of the trees #whatdowesaytodeath #NOTTODAYMOTHERFUCKER because a) the dude just started cracking up b) apparently there were children? fuck that i don't hate children enough to take them that far into the woods at midnight not even my own c) i really had to pee (unrelated to horror, definitely related to pregaming) so i started running once i saw the exit
"The One With THE party" - So a week later, Ryan and Ashwin spent Friday doing engineering. Pretty sure I had class but fuck that we went to google, did some hardcore research on beerpong table dimensions, and went to home depot where we did it, and they didn't really help. But we built the thing and painted it like a pair of bossmen (plural of boss is bossmen #themoreyouknow #cbscares) #actuallyusingpainterstapeforpainting and then played grand theft auto. Whatever I was supposed to do that weekend clearly didn't matter, cuz I have a diploma with my name on it anyway. The party itself seemed awesome, from what I remember - 13-0 beer pong dynasty with the R-man, discovered Bitch was engaged, um I think I tackled someone when they got in my way of something, i'm sure some other things happened. But then at like 2 in the morning, the fuzz came, and Joey let them in like some sort of developmentally challenged turdbrain, and Budi and Ashwin went into AnneFrank mode. Which turned out to be unnecessary, as everyone else could escape. But yeah so I hid in Taylor's shower, and Budi hid in the fucking closet #TrappedInTheCloset and blahblahblah some shit happened and yeah.
"The One Where FSU" - So a week after that me and the whitey went down ol Tally-way to see our boys do battle against the Seminoles. Well we left Friday noon, got there roughly 11 pm (saw Tony, that was good), slept on a madcomfy couch, went to the game, enduring some initial heckling but then the game itself. Got shat the fuck on, lost by 34, and drove back to Raleigh, getting back 2 am Sunday. 38 hours, 24 spent driving. The weather was great, the stadium was fucking awesome, the fans were classy in the buttkicking...but the game...I mean didn't expect to win but jesus fucking christ TOB at least score! Or get it past midfield! Just the first of many roadtrip woes (saw UC-Santa Barbara and Duke and UNC beat us in soccer on the road, saw the aforementioned ECU beatdown...it doesn't get much better)
Holy crap this is gonna take a while...
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