Things can only get bettah!
So this morning I woke up, just doing my own thing, vibin hard off my Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and I saw I had like half a dozen text messages and I was like "yay its like the joy of getting mail without actually having to check the mailbox!" But I found most of them to be an invitation (with a few cursewords thrown in there, so more or less an ashwin-themed invitation) to be some master shindig budi was throwing, which I thought was funny.
Not because of drinking on a Tuesday, no the fact that people associate drinking on a Tuesday with me is both slightly alarming (what's that state Jack Daniels is made in, again?) and kind of touching, because my other social skills revolve around a searing wit, and oddly enough that doesn't warrant many social invites.
Whatever I don't need you people me and Eric Prydz can party just as hard at 8 am. We've got orange juice, and coke, and some salt and a lime and some mix, and this'll be mein present to my liver. Especially after the last two years #AshwinYou'reStillBleeding #ThisIsWhyWeCantGoBowlingAnymore
Happy birthday shoutout to Nikola Tesla, Sunny Gavaskar, Wyoming, Park Chu-Young and the Bahamas!
Oh and composer Carl Orff, Nobel Laureates Kurt Alder and Owen Chamberlain, half a dozen Nazis (wtf guys was this orchestrated), Stanley Cup winner ADAM 'BOSS' FOOTE and World Cup winner Edmilson.
What I'm saying is that I'm a big fan of me, but I'm still like (at least in my eyes) the 40th most interesting person. #Top50Baby
Also I realized this is the first time since 6th grade I've spent today at home. That was some excellent planning on my part, methinks. Something clearly went horribly wrong this year.
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