Thursday, July 18, 2013

omg omg omg omg omg omg omg the points don't even matter man they just don't even matter

So yeah Whose Line is back and I didn't get a chance to see the episode but I'm super stoked I'm like way too excited about this omg omg my man Ryan Stiles is doin work with those goofy wing-tip shoes he used to roll with omg omg omg.

And yesterday spency and I had a twitter hashtag conversation that ended in "#Bailamos #lettherivertakeyouover #bailamosssss" and he conceded defeat to me hahahahah let this be a lessen to you with Enrique Iglesias (and Anna K too #yafeelme) by my side I can't lose #winnerwinnerchickendinner

Also, does Spencer have diabetes? Just wondering.

So I saw that there's this potential genetic-based cure for Down Syndrome, which is awesome because that 23rd (jk its 21 i know but 23 is a better number in every single way #OpaHejdukStyle) (sorry Peter "best two-way player ever" Forsberg I love you but 23 is prime and 21 isn't) #heymathpeople #FOILthatshitout chromosome needs fixin'.  But the far more interesting thing is that i googled "does hitting cure down syndrome" just to see what the hell crazy people do and two hilarious things happened a) google recognized this as a thing people have googled and "fixed" it to 'do hitting cure down syndrome,' which sounds like...#insertwaytooeasyjokehere...and b) i found this awesome wiki answer page:

some highlights:

Can people with Down syndrome cry?
Yes, they can. yes i can cry becuz i hav dwn syndrme and peopl dont lik me becuz i hav dis syndrm i git really sad and cry alne

Can a monkey have Down syndrome?

It Could Do.

No, Brittany is just dumb.

A person with a mild case of Down syndrome should be allowed to drive.
Don't do drugs while pregnant.
No she does not. The prominence in the foreheads of most of the children is caused by the inherited Asian genes from the father.
No. It is just not socially acceptable to many people.
No Marie does not have a child with down syndrome. It was mistaken that she did because one of her children is crossed eyed.

 Holy crap there are 3200 questions on this page...yeah I'm not reading them all if you want to find more you read the wikianswers
Also I'm going to see how many ways I can spell out Bassil's name using non-alphabetic characters just so he doesn't do that ctrl-f nonsense.  #thisisanissueveryimportanttome #fuckitimsuperbored #permutationtime #wheretheorderdontevenmatter
B = 13
a = @
s = $
s = $
i = l,1
l = I, 1
So that's 2*2*2*2*3*3 = 16*9 = 144.  What a fun game!
It sounds like I definitely need to watch more of Gordon Ramsey if he keeps bustin out zingers like this...if I want to improve my cynicistic wit, I need to watch game film of the best of the best #nextseasonstartshere #Rockytheme #gohardtoday #cantworryboutdapastcuzthatwasyes-terday

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