Season 2 - Sophomore Year
Brett no longer a main character :/
"The One Where RAWill has never heard of LOTR" - The gang renames themselves with obviously fake LOTR names, and RAWill doesn't understand that a) Gimli isn't a Gaelic name b) Indians don't have Gaelic names c) nor do they have Celtic origins. I wonder if he was just playing along, but the man also raped another RA, so who knows what his mental capacities entailed.
"The One Where RAWill is a moron" - John and Ashwin get sent to a boring tribunal with Jordan over RAWill's retardedness. Jordan agrees to drop all charges, but not before an excruciatingly painful 30 minute interrogation session. Bonus footage from the rape scene that gets Will thrown in jail for 10 years, courtesy of HLN!
"The One Where RACole is the fucking shit" - A flashback episode containing all of the hall events that involve RACole and him not giving a shit: soccer with a variety of plush spherical objects, verbally abusing Bassil in front of an RACole who can't maintain his composure, Froggy shampooing Ashwin's hair in the water fountain (yeah that was probably a health hazard but hey none of you got sick #DealWithIt), Monkey In The Middle (including that time Ashwin used John as a weapon to cut Froggy, and that other time we all nearly ruptured spleens), and many more!
"The One Where we met Cancio and Taylor was the reason I got a fucking billion emails" - The introduction of David Cancio, whose shirtless antics spawned an Anon offshoot to take the fuck over my email, and then it took about 17 seconds to realize that Taylor is a troll who will get shot in the face the next time that happens. I'm not still pissed about all that.
"The One Where we act like engineers" - Ashwin, Blancinho, Darrell and Raul go to Wal-mart to build their own papercup telephone system by connecting their two rooms. It is here they learned why forests at night are terrifying, and are left in a truly awkward conversational moment when Darrell busts out "have any of yall ever gone niggerknocking" in the middle of a shady forest at fucking midnight. Horror movies have less confusing introductions than that entire scene.
"The One With Brett's Cameo" - After hanging out with Brett, Ashwin decides to bring him back to see the gang on 3rd Bagwell, where they decide to play a prank on Johnny...and there are no winners.
"The One Where Froggy ruined the entire goddamn hall and we met like 20 hallmates we had never seen before as a result of the atrocious acrid smell" - Froggy tries cooking shrimp noodles and it all goes to hell.
"The One Where Ashwin lies to a nonprofit" - Ashwin hears from V about this free blind-cane service...and hilarity ensues as the free blind cane arrives to great fanfare and entertainment. But then everyone else who tries to abuse the niceness of randos is caught in a Catch22 with Jordan, who (as far as I can tell) commits a federal crime as far as withholding mail goes (mail fraud), but then complaining about it would lead to the cane being ordered illegitimately, etc etc
I honestly don't remember what else happened this seems as though "RACole is the fucking shit" pretty much summarizes everything...
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