So my boy Fongo and I were talking yesterday, and I was taunting him about how in Cali they don't have Bo's or Cookout, and he was getting like super depressed about it all. He went to school in SD, and he's also a pretty big Chargers fan so we were also discussing the possibilities he came out to Knoxville so we could go to the Titans-Chargers game in September. Only prob is that for work he goes to Bahstahn every now and then, so we'll have to see if he's available that weekend...ANYWAY so late last night homeboy texts me that he's going to boston this weekend, and he decided to fly through CLT because they have Bo's in it..."HOLLA I GET BO'S THIS WEEKEND!!!" "what i don't understand explain" "I googled like a dozen different flight plans and figured out that there's a Bo's in CLT, so I'm totally planning my entire trip around this right now"
Fongo fucking activated boss mode on that one...I have nothing left to teach him *sob* I fucking love Alberto what a classy move.
Oh and my Dad tots is getting a final on-site interview with Google in MV the week after next :O #respect
I have also similarly decided to use this opportunity as a utk student over the next five years to get (relatively-speaking, if the FSU game was any indicator) ballin' seats to some of the best football stadiums in the country #yeahwe'recomin' #toyocit-eh #willwescreamboonersooner #rolltideroll #or #woopigsooie
The badass pictures in that list was definitely a factor.
#TheGrove #TheCockPit #WarEagle #WooPigSooie #TheSwamp #RTR #RockyTop #BetweenTheHedges #DeathValley
Totally excited about going to Tennessee for all the right reasons!
I'm feeling happy right now, and this unnerves me. Let's see what today's
morons question-askers discuss:
Dear Amy: My dear sister took her own life nine years ago at age 45, having suffered from mental illness for most of her adult life.
When she was 20, my sister married a man who had little compassion and his own drug problems. They had two children during all this chaos and then divorced. The kids were estranged for a time from their mom, partly due to her ex-husband's constant smears, but the last few years of her life she had a pretty good relationship with her children, and I was happy for that.
At the time of my sister's death, the kids were both young adults.
Soon after her death, I received a notebook of various items belonging to my sister.
Among them are notes she kept, per advice from her divorce lawyer, concerning her ex-husband. There are notes taken that are not complimentary about her ex, and what she went through before, during and after the divorce.
There are also personal recommendations that were given to my sister that say lovely things about her, as well as cards and pictures. (Despite her problems she was a sweet child, woman and mother.)
I wish to send this whole notebook to her adult daughter (she's 31).
Should I edit this notebook, taking out things that are not complimentary of this adult child's father, with whom she has a relationship? Or should I send everything, because it is her mother's history?
It feels wrong to "pick and choose" just to keep the unpleasant side of things hidden. What
do you say? — Missing My Sis
Dear I'm still feeling a bit joyed so your letter wasn't complete shit,
Well I think you shouldn't edit any of it out. It's not your notebook, it's hers. You would be introducing your own bias into a matter where it doesn't belong. Don't make me have to wikileaks the parts you didn't include.
But at the same time, your sister is a criminal, since she committed suicide, and passing along the journal might be seen as aiding and abetting a felon (yeah suicide's a felony...don't worry, it surprised me too. I knew it was a crime, but #felony status seems a bit strong, seeing as people guilty of that crime are, you know, dead).
Hmmm there is no right answer here, is there? So let's look for three left answers #hey-o
Ok here's what we'll do. Get a normal dice. 1-2, give her the full notebook 3-4, don't give her the notbook 5-6, pick up sticks.
Dear Amy: I am leaving in a few short weeks to study abroad for a semester in England. I've been waiting for this for years, and I'm ecstatic.
For the past 10 months I've been dating a great guy who is supportive about my going abroad. He says that although it will be different, he is not worried.
I wasn't worried either, until one of my professors told me that two-thirds of all relationships fail when one partner goes abroad.
Amy, I don't want this to fail. I want to be in the third of relationships that survive.
Any advice for keeping the relationship strong while separated by thousands of miles?
His visiting is not an option, but I know technology will be a godsend? — Long Distance Love
Dear blah blah blah now i'm bitter thanks your problem sure matters in the scheme of life,
Wow taking relationship advice from your professors! I bet when he said 2/3 of all relationships (I imagine this means that 2/9 of all left relationships #cantstopme) fail, he totally cited his sources and definitely isn't using this to troll you. Wow this has personal problem written all over this. Out of curiosity, what did you want Amy to do? You literally sound like a pathetic excuse for a grown woman...maybe that's why you're going to England! Whenever they have a problem they either spend 50 million on some stupid royal shit (fucking glaring at you, "Diamond Jubilee" for "the Queen" and "all her hard work" yeah some hardwork it is to slaughter millions of minorities in countries you have no business in and have still fucked to hell to this day...yeah the Middle East sure is solid thanks Britain...oh and thanks for a Rwandan Genocide, East Africa is totally doing fine...oh yeah splitting India and Pakistan WAS A FUCKING GEM OF AN IDEA god I really hate England)
Ooh ooh I do want to know why "his visiting is not an option"...why can't he go to England? Is he not allowed in the British Isles? Is he a criminal? Oooooh this is exciting! Girfrend I just love dem bad boys too! Oh I bet he has prison tattoos! mmmm-
mmmm! Is he on the no-fly list? IS HE A TERRORIST!
Dear Amy: I sympathize with the man ("Snored Out") who wrote about his snoring girlfriend.
My partner is a tremendous snorer. At first, I tried earplugs, but eliminating the sound caused me to realize he is also a restless sleeper.
Finally we realized the most considerate, loving choice was to sleep in separate beds at night (even if we start out in the same bed).
It works for us, and we still find ways to be intimate. — Rested
Dear no one gives a shit. Let me repeat that "NO ONE...GIVES...A SHIT",
Yup. No one cares. Not Amy, not her readers, not the Pope, not the Jesus-man, not your parents, not your kids, NO ONE. Omg "dear rested i was feeling super tired yesterday so i went to bed early and slept longer and now i'm all better i don't feel tired any more! omg it works for me!"
#5DaysOfRaleigh #FiiiiveGoldenRings #ThreeForTheElvenKings #UnderTheSky #SevenForTheDwarfLords #InTheirHallsOfStone #NineForTheMortalMen #DoomedToDie #OneForTheDarkLord #DoomedToDie #20RingsAcross4Races #That'sFiveRingsPerRace #12DaysOfChristmasIsAboutLOTR #Can'tArgueTheMath