I'd like to rant more about other things on my mind, but this first question...oh god this first question
Dear Amy:Dear Amy: Three years ago, my (then) 35-year-old sister-in-law (who lives with my mother-in-law) referred to my 9-year-old and her 9-year-old cousin as "bitches," "brats" and other words that I would have preferred my daughter had never heard.
This was the straw that broke the camel's back, and my husband and I have not allowed our children to go back without our presence.
I would like an apology given to my child, and have made this known, but I am told I am creating drama. I've been told that my sister-in-law did not really mean what she said, and my child and her cousin did not hear it anyway.
If you tell me to let bygones be bygones, then I will certainly do that. But if not, do you have some advice for me to give to my daughter? She does not want to see her aunt or her grandmother because she says they were always mean to her and her cousin anyway. I feel I've been harboring resentment for way too long now. — Resentful
Dear you're honestly a pathetic human (for realsies),
Sigh. Like a good white person, you just ASSUMED your kid and her cousin were innocent of all charges. It is BEYOND your comprehension that those two couldn't POSSIBLY have been acting like 'bitches' or 'brats' or waaaah waaaah some other mean nasty hurtful word waaaaah waaaaah. Nope, just like every other fucking mother "my child is a goddamn angel and could never do anything mean to anyone ever! s/he's the perfect child!" no you whoremonger youre child is perfectly capable of being an assclown. Did you even bother asking the sisterinlaw WHY she used those names (aka FUCKING COMMUNICATION. HOLY GOD WHITE PEOPLE FOR ALL THE TALKING YOU DO YOU DON'T SEEM TO DO THE APPROPRIATE TALKING DO YOU FFS)? Nope just assumed she was off her rocker and your child was flawless and faultless. You've "been told" she didn't really mean it...you didn't even bother asking? I think we need to revoke your right to your uterus...clearly for you we can say parenthood #notevenonce. And your husband...? what was he doing? he also cried waaah waaah someone said mean things waaah waaaah this ruins our unnecessary 90000 sq ft 450k home and gated community lifestyle waaaah waaaah yeah fuck you.
Also, how pathetic are you? "If you tell me to let bygones be bygones, then I will certainly do that" WHAT THE FUCK? who do you think Amy is? SHE IS SOME RANDOM HUMAN WHO HAS NO ACTUAL AUTHORITY OR CREDIBILITY. She's basically a $200/hr shrink who offers her services for free because she is too shitty a therapist (teeheehee the rapist) to get a 'real' gig. What's wrong with you? Seriously? It's one thing to ask advice, and a complete other thing to say "screw my thoughts, WHAT DO YOU THINK? i'm gonna do what you tell me because i'm a vapid useless empty vessel of a human"...ugh this is alarmingly pathetic. Waah waaaah mommy grandma and aunty were mean to me waaaah waaaaaah well daughter its ok we'll just go blame them anyway...for all we know you were kick grandma in and destroying aunty's kitchen but i dont care lets blame them anyway #whenindoubt #blamesomeoneelse
Dear Amy: I've got a morbidly obese mother, but I don't know how to gently ask her to lose weight. She has all sorts of incorrect beliefs about her own weight, i.e., she can't exercise because of bad knees, she's big boned, she's not that fat, she has to keep her blood sugar up, etc. Help, Amy. I don't want to see her die. How can I address this? — Worried
Dear budi's child,
But seriously budi's metabolism is fucking intense. It's phelpsian, is what it is.
Dear Amy: I read with interest your answer to "Suzi" on the requirement to love members of your family.
I was an only child, so I never had an issue with siblings.
When I married and had four sons, I had to face the situation with them. I taught them that they didn't have to love or even like each other just because they were brothers.
I did insist that they had to respect each others' privacy, belongings and person. I would not tolerate name calling or hitting or fighting.
To this day that premise still holds true. They don't all always like each other but there is still respect. They support each other in times of need and cheer for each other in good times. — Happy Mother
Dear only child (aka after you your parents were like NEVER AGAIN #notevenonce),
I like you. Just because you're related doesn't mean you have to love them. Yes. Mutual respect? Psaah that's nonsense. You have to earn respect, you don't get it just because you're related - it might (and probably should) be easier, but you still have to earn respect. Not terribly sure why you wrote in, but that's alright, you're still the closest thing to a sane intellectual (and that includes you, amy) i've seen in a week or so of doing this. You made up for shitferbrains at the top.
Dad is supertense about google interview...I tried to calm him down but I found some salted cashews so I got distracted...I fucking LOVE salted cashews. There are very few things I won't do for salted cashews. #fuckyeah #cashewlove if someone came up to me and said you get a million dollars but you can't have cashews for the rest of your life or you'll die...i'd probs have to reject that. cashews are awesome.
#AnditsAr-se-nal #Ar-se-nal-FC #We'reAnAb-oveAverageTeam #TheWorldHasEverSeen
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