So this morning, around 7, this chick comes and rings my doorbell about half a dozen times. I went and answered, not realizing that a) I know no one here b) who would ring my door at 7...if something were serious they'd call. I should've just ignored that shit.
But no, I answered it. And this chick is having a panic attack on my front porch trying to stare into my bedroom window. She comes up and asks me if I've seen a white dude living in my apartment.
Um, what? OH you mean this dude living in my pantry....ohhhh yeah that makes sense. So anyway she starts explaining she's looking for some white dude...and he drives a blue car and she started pointing at an empty spot going "that's where he parks" and all I'm thinking is "yes that's a parking spot very good white trash that would be an acceptable location for him to park" and she starts going on about how she's very hungry and lonely and he's got all her shit in his trunk and I'm going "this is why we don't answer the door at 7 am on sundays."
In the end I said "lemme go get my phone" and then I closed and locked the door and found a bigass pot and sat by the door in case she tried some funny business for about 20 minutes before going back to bed. If this shit had happened in 2 in the afternoon I probably would've been at the peak of my game, but it was 7 fucking am...even JC and the Sunshine Band isn't up yet for the church service. So yeah that was weird. I'm pretty afraid she's gonna see my blue car and go white trash-apeshit on it for the sole reason that it's blue.
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