So yesterday was the Google Fiber interview, and mein vader said he thinks it went well, and so he hopes to be flown out to MV (despite no one from MV interviewing makes so much sense sometimes)...but he did tell me that at the very beginning of the interview he asked the peeps about stereotypical google interviews and how they ask all those mindfuck questions...and he says they all just laughed and said "yeah we don't have time to do all that nonsense, we need to just ask you some technical stuff and actually learn how much of a fit for this project you are" which i think was good because a) my dad is technically very smart b) he doesn't handle bullshit very well. all. if you asked him "why is a manhole cover round and not square" i'm pretty sure he'd go ragelift one out of the ground, beat you senseless with it and then say "if it was square these corners could have hurt you" or something to that effect. It's a shame because i feel like those crappy questions that make no sense shouldn't be in interviews, but rather you should ask technical stuff to see if i'm actually smart enough for the job...which is funny, because if i ever was in charge of interviewing someone i would DEFINITELY ask them my own devised bullshitty question: "If moss didn't grow on the north side of trees, what side do you think it would grow on?" its wonderful because it has that hippy-newage-horseshit to it, but its also a serious mindwarp.
Anyhoo so when he came down, he saw this box of random crap my Mom put together for me to take to Knoxville (random shit like 'tussin, super crunch peanut butter, toilet paper, etc), and he saw the TP and was like "why the fuck are we taking this with us? it's toilet paper he can get some there" and my mom tried to defend it going "yeah but you never know how immediately you need some TP so just in case right after he moves in" and my Dad busted this out: "he's going to Knoxville! he's not going to India, where you can't really find toilet paper! and if you can, it's some rough crap that'll just hurt your go in, take a shit, wipe, and you come out with a bloody ass!" i was literally in tears.
Dear Amy: I have been married for 40 years. A couple of years ago I found out my husband was cheating on me. I have learned that he has been unfaithful to me during almost all of our marriage.
He claims to love this other woman but says he loves me too, and he keeps going back and forth between us, swearing he will never see her again and that he doesn’t love her anymore (lies).
Our two grown daughters will not associate with their father anymore. I have lost friends and faced scorn from family because I keep trying to save the marriage for the sake of the family.
My husband has left me several times to be with this other woman but keeps coming back for various reasons, and I keep taking him back because I believe him. He says he loves me, but I think he doesn’t want to lose our friends, family and lifestyle.
There is no trust or intimacy or real affection between us anymore. I do not want to give up everything I’ve worked so hard for all my life, and if I divorce, the other woman will get half of that.
I don’t know if I love him, but I want to stay with him. I have gone for counseling but that does no good. My friends and family think I should walk away from the marriage because a leopard does not change its spots, but I don’t know how to end it after so many years. I keep clinging to the situation hoping it will improve. It won’t get better, will it? What should I do? -- Betrayed
Aaaaaaaaaaare you that dumb? FOR FORTY YEARS HE'S BEEN CHEATING ON YOU. And you're like "nah he's different this time you guys i swear!"...what are you, a teenage girl dating the football captain? What is this, some shitty teenpop abc sitcom? No. It isn't. This is real life. *knock knock* "who is it?" "it's your cable dude...i wanted to know if i can offer one complete service between you and your neighbor but charge you both full price" "HELL NO fuck you get the fuck out!" See this is an analogous situation where you wouldn't even think twice about rejecting, but for FOUR FUCKING DECADES you were like "no he loves me he said so!" god. damn. it. Divorce, bail, gtfo. Your daughters have, your family is confused as hell as to why you're still there...good god woman what's wrong with you.
Dear Amy: I am a soon-to-be divorced middle-age man.
My daughter has a boyfriend, and I have known his mother since we were both teenagers. She has been divorced for five years.
We’ve had this unspoken thing for each other for over 30 years. We met for drinks and hit it off, just talking about our kids. Is it wrong to take it to the next level? -- Wondering Dad
Dear where is the problem in all of this i dont even understand,No.
Dear Amy: I could really relate to the letter from “Tired,” who had the misfortune to work in a place where loud music destroyed his/her ability to concentrate.
I had a similar problem at work. I find that any music with lyrics is extremely distracting.
We solved this problem by everyone in my section agreeing to turn the overhead music off. Those that still wanted music were permitted to bring their own sources in and either play it at an extremely low volume or use earphones — as long as it didn’t interfere with our work or our interaction with customers.
It was a peaceful solution. -- Earful
Dear i think someone invented a private listening mechanism you retard,
They're called headphones. Generally, they contain the noise to the individual wearing them. That way everyone can listen/not listen to their own music in their own peace. Unless you're from 1873, there is no reason that you fucking morons should feel accomplished about what you just did. You are a waste of the CHNOPS elements, and I wish I could give your salary to someone who deserves it. I hate you with the intensity of a thousand burning Suns.
#10DaysOfRaleigh #EmiratesCup2013 #ArseneWenger'sRedArmy
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