Went to the dentist yesterday after they had sent about half a dozen monthly reminder postcards...told the doc I was moving to Knoxville for grad skool at utk, one of the nurses busted out the chorus to Rocky Top and it was fucking awesome.
And I had all sorts of fun with AT&T yesterday that I don't really want to think about anymore, so that story line ends rather abruptly.
So Eid was yesterday, closing out Ramadan...which in Hindi is Ramzan, which my Dad continuously yells out in anger whenever he sees or hears "Ramadan" which is odd because he's not Muslim, and I'm not really why he takes this so personally. Considering the half-dozen different ways the Media spells the ex-leader of Egypt's name - Morsi, Mursi, Morsy, Mursy, etc - I'm just impressed they've managed some consistency in the matter. But the best part is that yesterday (aka Eid aka HUMP DAY aka no wait yesterday was thursday jk my b) was supposed to be some sort of happy religious peaceful celebration day, and terrorist groups were like LOLNOPE and bombed a few cemetery sites, assassinated a Pakistani police chief, killed a bunch more police higherups at the police chief's funeral when they bombed it, etc etc.
It just wouldn't be a peaceful religious day if body extremities weren't being flung to the four corners of the world, now would it? But all this reminds me of the LEGENDARY fox news interview about what Muslims do/don't know about Jesus:
WAT. Are you serious? Within 30 seconds, Fox News has shown that they have no understanding of a) Islam b) Christianity c) the Middle East d) any sort of history other than Obamacare e) the concept of scholarly work f) just anything intellectual ever, really.
Yikes. His stunned pause at roughly :30 after she asks that absolutely retarded question was pretty hilarious, and I'm stunned he managed to keep it together. "Like a democrat writing about Reagan" what is it with rightists (for the record, don't hate Republican ideas from a theoretical sense, just the fucking morons who they use as a vehicle for their party's motives...its a thin line, and even then Rush Limbaugh doesn't make it any easier to not hate the GOP) who love Reagan soooo much? Um, news flash: Reaganomics, which is basically trickle-down economics...DOESN'T WORK. AT ALL. And the Iran-Contra affair? Yeah that was some real winning material there. And arming Afghanistan? Topnotch thinking. NYC is SUPER grateful for all of that forward-thinking. Have any of you actually seen Afghanistan? who gives a flying fuck if the Soviet Union has it? It's a desolate, useless, arid waste of land between Iran and the Hindu Kush. There's nothing of value there, who cares if the USSR takes it? Especially right after the Shah was overthrown you were like...these people, yes, they need lots of weapons. ugh. The only reason he has a superhigh approval rating is because he "won" the Cold War (did anyone really win that though?). Sigh.
Anyway, back to some point I was trying to make...this Fox News interview had me thinking about the "Big Three" of religions, and how much they remind me of highschool character types:
- Judaism is the snotty, snooty rich white girl who has been spoiled beyond recognition and loses her shit every time a fake nail is millimeters off-center, or a "poor person" comes and talks to her.
- Christianity is the jock, the four-sport star who thinks the world revolves around him and he's (hehe) god's gift to humanity (not to mix this up with St. John's player God'sgift Achiuwa)
- Islam is the strange kid sitting in the corner more-or-less minding his own business, and capable of a decent social lifestyle, but you talk to him too long and you realize he's (#)$@#*$ bat-shit crazy.
Offended half the world's population? good. Come see me not give a shit. But where does hinduism factor in, I'm sure you're wondering (since based off of the crazy right-wing websites I found, the basis for christianity is that "it came first" hey news flash hinduism was around thousands of years prior #yourmove #crazywhiteNRAguy)...well let me tell you...hinduism is the pothead who doesn't really give a flying fuck what's happening around him, as long as everything is mellow and chill and nonviolent and peaceful. And buddhism is a narcoleptic hindu (in this analogy, of course) who you can't tell if he's sleeping or meditating. And Shintoism is the crazy japanese guy who's already solved every electrical engineering problem in the school because he can #racist? #maybe #true? #absolutely
#FourDaysOfRaleigh #Fenerbah-ce #WelcomeTo #DaEmirates
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